Saturday, December 8, 2012

After the announcement in general conference this past October, mission papers have been flying here there and everywhere!!! By the time it's April I will be writing 8 missionaries. Yup, that's right, count them, 8.

First we have Elder Terrance Tyler Receveur. Called to serve in the Fortaleza, Brazil mission. Tyler left on October 18th, 2011, so he is just over his one year mark.

Second, We have Elder Jared S. Orr. Called to the Seattle, Washington mission. Jared left on May 23rd, 2012, so he is coming up on 6 months!

Third, we have Elder Eric V. Gaspar. Called to the Mexico City, Mexico mission. Eric is still waiting for his Visa to come through, so he is currently serving in Twin Falls, Idaho. Eric left for his mission on September 26th, 2012.

Fourth, we have Elder Shawn K. Lords. Called to serve in the Guatemala City, Guatemala mission. Shawn entered the Provo, Utah MTC on September 28th, 2012.

Fifth, we have Elder Jacob V. Gulisane. He has been called to serve in the Pocatello,Idaho mission. Jake will be leveing for the MTC in Provo, Utah, on January 16th, 2013.

Sixth, we have Elder Logan C. Fallon. Called to the Las Vegas, Nevada, West mission. He will enter into the Provo, Utah, MTC on February 13th, 2013. Welp.... Happy Valentines Day to me.

Seventh, we have Elder Skyler K. VanDerwerken. He has been called to the Nauqen, Argentina mission. Skyler will be leaving for the MTC in Provo, Utah on March 13th, 2013.

Lastly, we have Sister Jennifer Receveur. Jen has been called to serve in the Lyons, France mission. She will report to the Provo, Utah MTC on April 3rd, 2013.

My Collage of 2012

This will be my collage of pictures that will hopefully catch you up on my life during the year of 2012. I have compiled 20 pictures that illustrate my experiences during the year. Enjoy!

Erika finally got married!!!!! On December 27th, 2012 in the Boston,Massachussetts Temple, to Bradley Gibbons. It was a week of utter and complete chaos where the 6 members of the McLaughlin and the 9 members of the Gibbons family all stayed under one roof....our roof. All four of Brads sisters took residence in my room, and although it is a rather large room, it didn't not have the luxury of keeping 5 girls in it. So the first night, I ran up to Heidi's house, and the second night I slept on the couch in the living room. It was suprisingly comfortable until someone wanted to play video games at 6am. Oh the joys of family. It was the fastest Christmas break I have ever lived through. I spent almost everyday down at the church with my mom, preparing the gym for the reception. It was worth it in the end, for it was beautiful, and Erika and Brad enjoyed themselves. They now live in Idaho where I visit all too often to catch the latest episodes of White Collar on Netflix.

Now officially starts 2012! Brian is fianlly 14 years old, and able to go to the stake dances the church offers once every two months. Being 18, and gradtuated from high school, I was technically not supposed to be there. But who can resist the life of the party? No one.... I escorted Brian to his first stake dance where he preformed better that I had expected. It was ultimately a win-win situation since while Brian was off winning the hearts of every 14 (and 15) year old girl in the stake, I got to catch up with my friends whom treated me as a long lost royalty. It was worth the sneaking in. For sure.

I spent the next four months of the year off track from school. I decorated my room with a total of 214 pictures, and spent most of my time with my mom, and my Harry Potter series. It was the most relaxing months of my entire life and as I am about to finish yet another Fall Semester here at BYU-Idaho, I am eager to return to the relaxing life in upstate New York. It snowed a total of 8.4 feet collectively throughout the winter, giving Heidi, Nick, and I a chance to paly in the snow as often as possible. Nothing is more enjoyable than revisiting your childhood in the snow with your best friends, just like nothing beats a wintery Ploss Road.

In the midst of my relaxation months, good friends of ours in the ward decided to move to Provo, Utah. It was a tragedy to hear that they would be unable to take their beautiful dog, Buddy, with them. After at least 3 weeks of convincing my dad this dog was a winner, and 4 weeks after that to convince my mom, we agreed to take Buddy "off of their hands." I had no words to contain my excitement. As sad as I was to see them leave, I was so happy they presented me with the perfect dog. Although he is still young, and drives my mom crazy sometimes, he's so full of energy and love. Buddy is simply hilarious and loves to show mom how much he loves her..... ;)

After 4 months, it was time for me to return to Idaho for my second semester of school. Erika and Brad planned to have an open house/reception for Brads family and friends in Washington the week before. So, all of the McLaughlin's packed up and headed west to Utah. We flew into Salt Lake City where we stayed the night, then toured around a little with the boys the next day. Then we all drove down to Rexburg (a 4 1/2 hour drive) to see Erika graduate. The night we got there, I went out to dinner with my old friend, Eric Gaspar, and his roommate, Logan Fallon. We talked and walked around for a little bit then went our seperate ways. The next day, the McLaughlin family packed up again and journeyed to Coeur D'Alane Idaho to stay the night. It was beautiful but did not last long, as we had to continue our journey to Pasco, Washington. After driving for two consecutive days, we finally arrived at the Gibbon's family fruit farm. We stayed there for 9 days, and then my parents drove away to Salt Lake to fly home, and I drove back to Rexburg to start my semester. Needless to say I have never, ever, and probably never, ever will, be so happy to see Rexburg again. I had traveled close to 4,000 miles in the span of 14 days, including 28 hours of driving. Phew, but, it's over now. It was spring time once again.

This would be Emily Hayes, remember her? Yeah, my long lost best friend from the Fall 2011 Semester. Well, now we're back together, and ROOMMATES nonetheless. We reaked havoc on Rexburg, and all it's residence. She has to be the best roommate i've ever had in my entire life. Emily was always there for a good laugh, cry, or somethat dirty joke. She evern took me home for a weekend! (oohoo! introduced to the family!) It was one of the best weekends of the semester. She has a wonderful family whom I have truly grown to love. I wish it were easier to bring her home to New York with me, (watchout boys, she's a winner!) We enjoyed waking up at 7:28am every weekday to walk to the snow building for our 7:45am music theory class. Oh yeah, nothing better. Although I was definitely NOT a fan of the time, I loved having the chance to laugh and talk to Emily on the way to class each morning. Emily is currently in Ecuador serving orphaned children. She has been there since July and will be there until Christmas. Needless to say, Emily is having the time of her life, changing the lives of the little kids she's had the chance to work and play with. Although I was saddened when she defered for a semester to finish her work, I know she's doing the right thing, and it will make our reunion in the Spring that much better. :)

Ladies and Gentleman, we intorduce to the blog, Mr. Logan Clark Fallon. Sound familiar? Yep. I first met him through Eric in April when I came for Erika's graduation. He was Eric's roommate during the winter semester. Little did I know, he was literally the male version of myself and would to grow to become my best friend. Logan is from Vancouver, Washington, a town just over the boarder from Portland, Oregon. He is the oldest of 3 sisters. He is ginger, plays rugby, longboards, and listens to the exact same artists and songs I've listened to my entire life. He likes to melt a small amount of Peanut Butter on his waffles and prefers Tapito hot sauce to any other brand. He has stunning blue eyes and the most adorable freckles. He can't ever sleep with socks on, has the favorite colors of red and orange, and we creepily both very much despise any sorts of seafood. We have the same smile and giggle. If that's not creepy enough for you,very early in the semester, we went to Dairy Queen and ordered the exact same thing 3 minutes apart without discussing or planning first. A medium heath blizzard with a cup for water, a total of $3.18. We can waste entire Saturday afternoons watching That 70's Show, and we love to pig out on the deliciousness of Tim's Jalapeno Chips and Razzleberry Peace Teas. We share the exact same level and degree of humor and love to lie under the stars at night to talk about the happenings of the world, and life in general. Logan and I started dating on June 15th, 2012 after 3 months of racing around with our... "spare tires." It was the single best decision I have made in all my 19 years of life on the planet earth. I just love him, and now prepare ourselves for a drought of 2 years, Logan now prepares for a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I prepare... well, I wait. (;

Victoria Bradshaw. The single most amazing woman on the planet. She had the honor and privlage to live with Emily and I during the spring semester. She's a southern belle with some sassy pants. Victoria has made me laugh more times then anyone i've ever met. It's fantastic. She makes a mean sausage and gravy over biscuts and an even meaner fried egg and toast. Her stakes and fried chicken are out of this world and don't even get me started on her "'NANA PUDDIN'!" it's simply fantabulous. Victoria showed me an entire new world and side to Rexburg. From old movies on the lawn of the Spori, to Rigby Lake, to Idaho Falls adventures, to memorial day picnics, to countless movies at Fatcats.... spending time with Victoria became my favorite passtime. I know I will miss the many adventures and memories of her car, Dexter, who is at the moment in a coma... I think we collected at least 50 Horkley's cups throughout the semester and watched more movies together than i've seen in my entira life. I love Victoria, she's a wonderful asset to my "Best of Friends" collection.

Towards the end of the Spring semester, Victoria, Janae, Rebecca, Logan, and I went out to dinner at Applebees for one last yum. This is just the cutest picture. I'm pretty sure Logan was trying to kiss me cheek... but i'm a little on the short side... so he got the forehead. :) It was a night full of good food, great people, and the greatest memories.

For the 4th of July, Logan took me to stay with his cousins in Idaho Falls. We went to see the fireworks show over the river. It was spectacular, something I didn't expect to come from Idaho. It almost beats the firework shows of New York, which is really saying something. It was definitely a night I don't think i'll be able to forget. It's made the fourth of July one of my favorite holidays. It was one of the better ways to end a semester. teeheehee, I love him.

For the last weekend of the semester, Logan's dad, and sister, Hailee, came down to pick him up... (and to meet me... obviously.) We packed Logan up in probably 19 or so garbage bags and boxes and suitcases and then went to Idaho Falls for dinner and a movie. We saw Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. IT WAS AMAZING! gah... I became obsessed. Hailee stayed with me that night, and the next morning we left for Idaho Falls. The dropped me off at my aunts house and Logan and I said goodbye. It wasn't as painful as I was expecting, which i'm grateful. It was the start of 5 very long months.

I mostly worked all day every day allll summer. The first weekend of September, it was time to take Nickle Pickle to the Hills school in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. We pakced the car full to the brim,and began the journey to Pennsylvania. We stayed down there the weekend and then left Sir Nicholas with hugs and a camera, to document his life while we were gone.

This would be Heidi and I all dressed up for the families dinner at the Hill. It was thefirst, last, andpretty much only picture Heidi and I took together during the summer, since there has been as absence of my camera. We're so pretty.and grow more and more alike every day.

This would be the final trinity picture taken before Nick went to the Hill, Heidi went back to CRHS, and I flew back to Idaho. As mom said "oh gosh, you'tre all grown up." I guess that's what happens when we blink during life.

Right before I left for Logan's house in November, it snowed in good old Rexburg. There were some clever and very talented boys living in the dorms that sculpted a Dragon out of snow big enough for people to sit on. How cool is that!? Victoria and I happened upon it and decided it was necessary to take pictures.

I FINALLY MADE IT TO LOGAN!. After just under 5 months of seperation, I visited Vancouver for Thanksgiving and my birthday. It was the best vacation ever in which I saw James Bond: Skyfall, Red Dawn, and Lincoln. Recieved a longboard custom made by Logan himself, ate at a diner in Portland, went black friday shopping, watched SNL, The Holiday, Harry Potter, Tommy Boy, Hot Rod, Christmas Vacation, and ate the most amazing dinners i've had in quite some time. I loved being able to spend time with Logan again before his mission, and have the chance to meet his family, friends, and members of his ward. They were the 12 fastest days of my life, and although the good-bye was teary and heart-wrenching, it's comforting to know that two years from now i'll be living that same life, only without the goodbyes. :)

On November 21st, Logan took me to see Red Dawn (highly recommend it to anyone and eneryone.) We had some time to spare before the movie started so we bolted to a photo booth. These are the photos that came from that photo booth session. gah... We are so cute together. :)

As of now, I am exactly one week away from returning back to New York. I'm so excited to be done with this semester. We are waiting for Logan's mission call to come in the mail, which should be here by next Wednesday, and then he's off! I'd say overall 2012 has been a win for me. As it comes to a close I salute these memories and dedicate this blog to the many more memories i'll be making in 2013. Whoo!